Multi Shapes Low Frequencies Oscillator "MSLFO"
Technical Data:
Multi Shape Low Frequencies Oscillator.
a MoDuLaToR for your fx, modular synth or any other instrument with CV or modulation input.
3 Potentiometer
Pot 1 Speed/Rate | Pot 2 SawDown to Triangle to SawUp | Pot 3 Square intensity
Switch for Slow and Fast range. 2 Led show pos. and neg. modulation.
SawDown to Triangle to SawDown to Trapezoid to Square.
Works with +15 0 -15 Volt.
You receive: PCB - IC Sockets - IC's - Resistors - Capacitors - Potentiometers - Jack Plugs - Led - Build manual (no enclosure!)
Some possible waveforms:
DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for anything wrong (including electric shocks, malfunctions, fires, accidents involving a soldering iron) that might happen during the assembly of the kit. Everything you do while assembling the kit is at your own risks.